Myles' Talks

IronPython and ASP.NET

While Python is normally associated with the Free and Open Source communities, contractors and developers using it often need to work on Microsoft's development platforms. IronPython is a Python implementation, with support in the Visual Studio environment, that makes Python a natural development choice on Microsoft platforms too.


| | | | | | | | I am currently a student at George Brown College and am Majoring in Computer Programming Analysis. I also work at an Accounting Firm in Toronto as a System Administrator. We are a cross platform shop and anything that is cross platform is incredibly important to use. | | | So why do I use IronPython? While it allows me to work in Windows Servers with IIS (a web server link apache with a hundred security problems) SQL Server (a database) and still be using Python instead of Microsoft’s flag ship programming language C#. This allowed me to move from Java to the happier world of Python and work in only one programming language. | | | So what is while Microsoft says “It is a free technology that allows programmers to create dynamic web applications. can be used to create anything from small, personal websites through to large, enterprise-class web applications.” | | | Okay what is it really: basically from a developers point of view really is just a fancy template system. All the real work is done behind the actual page which can be done in Microsoft many different programming languages such as Visual Basic, C#, C++, J++ (Microsoft Implementation of Java) and now Python. | | | Okay here is a little history of ASP. Before Microsoft started the .net framework ASP was something along the lines of PHP and Perl, with made it not really allow enterprise to create advanced applications. Then Microsoft pick up the .net Framework to compete with Java in the enterprise market. Which meant they had to redesign everything to more Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Model. Then came to be a really more complicated template engine. | | | | | | IronPython is not the first version of Python to run in windows actual python has been running on windows for quite some time. But it is the first implementation of it in the .net framework. There is of course Boo which is a programming language with a similar syntax to python but lets not talk about that today. | | | So what is IronPython. While it is created by Jim Hugunin at Microsoft and is fully written in C# which is Microsoft flag ship programming language. It is released under Microsoft’s “BSD” license called Shared Source initiative. Though the developer claims that it is fully open source program. | | | | | | | | | | | | So lets do a demo. |
